Thanksgiving at Union Congregational Church
Thank the Lord oh thank the Lord
Let all the world rejoice as one.
So come ye thankful people come
Alleluia Alleluia
Count your blessings one by one
And praise the work that God has done
Rejoice and sing for everyone
Alleluia Alleluia
On Sunday, Nov. 22 we came together for our final Stewardship Sunday of 2015, placing our pledges for next year in the Chest of Joash and celebrated afterward with a Taste of Thanksgiving feast.
We rejoiced for all that God has provided and prayed for those who's holiday is a little harder this year.
Thank you to members of our Junior Choir who performed a beautiful anthem.
Tomorrow night, Tuesday Nov. 24th at 7 p.m., our church will host The Annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service, sponsored by the Walpole Clergy Council. A combined choir directed by Alexander Greene from United Church in Walpole and clergy from several area churches will participate.
Neighbors and friends are all welcome to come and speand a quiet, comfortable hour in respite from the hustle and bustle of the weeks to come.
An offering of canned goods and cash will benefit The Walpole Food Pantry.