Welcome from Pastor Shepherd
Welcome to Union Congregational Church!
Whether you are a longtime churchgoer or a newcomer seeking a place to worship and grow in faith, all are welcome!
This congregation really puts the 'family' in 'family church'! Whether they've been members their whole lives or just recently joined, everyone in the church has a sense of belonging and care for one another that is a rare and precious gift. It is a gift that the people of this church are happy to share with visitors as well!
Union Congregational is part of the United Church of Christ, a national association of churches committed to sharing God's Word with people everywhere, and furthering the mission of the church to promote justice, peace, and reconciliation in the world.
In these troubled times, when there are countless demands on time, talent, and energy, it is helpful to have a place to reconnect, refocus, and refresh your spirit. Through worship, life together as a church family, and outreach to the community, Union Congregational is a place where everyone can lay their burdens down, and rest awhile in the presence of God.
If you want to learn more about our church, or are in need of pastoral care, please don't hesitate to contact me at revdocshep@outlook.com, or by phone at 508-668-1355.
Grace and Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ Be With You!
Rev. Dr. Aaron Pratt Shepherd