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Growing Disciples of Jesus
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Sunday School​

At Union, we're committed to growing the next generation of followers of Jesus! That's why we include a Children's Message in our worship every week, and offer Sunday School for children from ages pre-K through 5th grade throughout the program year from September through June.

Our lessons focus on teaching our faith through the Bible using the fun and interactive Holy Moly Curriculum. The children watch a short animated video depicting a Bible passage, then discuss the lesson and complete a craft project. On Communion Sundays, children are invited to return to the sanctuary to participate in the sacrament with the rest of the church.

Register Your Child for Sunday School Using the Form Below

*Our church is committed to the safety and well-being of the children we serve. You can read our Safe Church Policy by clicking here*

Youth Group

We partner with 3 other area churches in the Walpole Multi-Church Youth Group. For the 2024-25 Program year, the youth group is on hiatus. Check back for more information!

Contact us:


Sunday Worship Services

Worship starts at 10:15 AM

Professional Nursery Care Provided infant - 3 years old

Sunday School after Children's Message for PreK - 8th Grade

Visit us: 

55 Rhoades Ave. East Walpole, MA 02032

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